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-====== TJ Grant ======+====== User:Terence ======
-{{:tjg.jpg?nolink}}+{{:2013-10-24_tjg.jpg?nolink&250|}} **Terence J. Grant [MR.T]** {{:wiki-user-mistert.gif?nolink|}}
-I have my BS degree in [[http://www.eecs.ucf.edu/|Computer Science]] from the [[http://ucf.edu/|University of Central Florida]] and am currently living in Los Angeles, California, working as a Senior iOS Developer for a large advertising firm.+===== About This Site =====
-I have also written several freeware and shareware software applications that you will find linked below.+Welcome to my website. The main purpose of this site is to provide information to those with an interest in math and programming, with a heavy influence towards simulation and game design. All topical information is located in the [[:projects]] and [[:articles]] section on this site. New information is posted in the [[:news]] section (which is the main page.)
-===== On this site =====+===== About the Author =====
-//Note: All links are to external web sites// +I have my BS degree in [[http://www.eecs.ucf.edu/|Computer Science]] from the [[http://ucf.edu/|University of Central Florida]] and am currently living in Los AngelesCalifornia, working as Senior iOS Developer for a large advertising firm.
- +
-{{::quince.png?nolink}} **[[http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id449191985?mt=8|Puzzle de Quince]]**\\ +
-Puzzle de Quince! is a classic childhood sliding tile puzzle game for iPhone and iPad. +
- +
-{{::o3d.png?nolink}} **[[http://code.google.com/apis/o3d/|O3D API]], an Open Source framework by Google**\\ +
-Contributed the ArcBall codebase used for 3D navigation. +
- +
-{{::monobook.png?nolink}} **[[http://www.dokuwiki.org/template:monobook|Monobook for DokuWiki]]**\\ +
-I created the "Wikipedia" look and feel themeused by the majority of users. Currently maintained by Andreas Haerter. +
- +
-{{::backup.png?nolink}} **[[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:backup|BackupTool for DokuWiki]]**\\ +
-Created backup/restore tool for DokuWiki used by the majority of users. +
- +
-{{::ga.png?nolink}} **[[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:googleanalytics|Google Analytics for DokuWiki]]**\\ +
-Created plugin for DokuWiki that integrates seamlessly with Google Analytics. +
- +
-{{::hostess.png?nolink}} **Hostess**\\ +
-A command-line tool to block malicious websites regardless of installed browser. +
- +
-{{::arcball.png?nolink}} **[[http://nehe.gamedev.net/data/lessons/lesson.asp?lesson=48|ArcBall Rotation Control, Revisited]]**\\ +
-Article detailing a method to use higher-dimensional mathematics for better 3D navigation.+
-{{::make.png?nolink}} **KempoMake**\\ +I have a great interest in all areas of mathematics, and have a real desire to incorporate radically new ideas into the area of software production.
-A makefile-based build system with the ability to target multiple platforms.+
-{{::nascar.png?nolink}} **Nascar Thunder 2002 by Electronic Arts**\\ +My interest when it comes to "software engineering" is in the area of simulation, particularly on non-pc devices. Essentially this means games, emulators, and the like, on console systems. And although this might make me out to be simply a hobbyist console coder, that's not the whole story. I have worked in video game development in a commercial sense as well. (Not to mention wargame simulation and as an independent contractor for government and other applications.)
-Responsible for hardware-specific code for PlayStation 2 and XBOX systems.+
-{{::madden.png?nolink}} **Madden 2002 by Electronic Arts**\\ +I also play DDR occasionally-- and between the years 2003 through 2009, I held 7/8ths of all the top scores in the Brevard County area of Florida. It's a great aerobic workout, but it does eat up spare cash fairly quickly, so I haven't been playing so much recently.
-Responsible for bug fixes and additional library functions.+
-{{::rockwell.png?nolink}} **Hand-held Tracking System for Rockwell Collins Commercial Avionics**\\ +===== Contact Information =====
-Inventory tracking system for use on hand-held scanning devices.+
-{{::saic.gif?nolink}} **JSIMS (Joint Simulation Software) by SAIC**\\ +For any questions, please contact me at [[mailto:tjgrant@tatewake.com|tjgrant [at] tatewake [dot] com]].
-Created networking pipeline for Java / C++ interaction adhering to Government guidelines and transmission standards.+
-{{::adidas.png?nolink}} **Inventory Tracking System for Adidas America**\\ 
-Integrated a receivables tracking system to optimize assembly line workflow. 
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