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news [2015/06/30] – created terencenews [2016/07/05] (current) – [July 5, 2016] terence
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-====== TJ Grant ======+====== News ======
-{{:tjg.jpg?nolink}}+===== July 5, 2016 =====
-have my BS degree in [[http://www.eecs.ucf.edu/|Computer Science]] from the [[http://ucf.edu/|University of Central Florida]] and am currently living in Los Angeles, California, working as a Senior iOS Developer for a large advertising firm.+I've released a new project to the public, [[:projects:observer_template]].
-have also written several freeware and shareware software applications that you will find linked below.+This one created in 2012, and finally released it (now) in 2016.
-===== On this site =====+Also, updated [[:projects:singleton_template]] to remove the namespace and going back to the original naming convention 'tSingleton' that I was originally using
-//Note: All links are to external web sites//+===== June 28, 2016 =====
-{{::quince.png?nolink}} **[[http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id449191985?mt=8|Puzzle de Quince]]**\\ +[[:projects:backuptool_for_dokuwiki]] has been updated. Apparently a new release of DokuWiki, their version 2016-06-26, broke the existing plugin. Luckily a user on github, **dsp777**, was able to come up with fix for it; so the issue should be resolved, and thanks, **dsp777**.
-Puzzle de Quince! is classic childhood sliding tile puzzle game for iPhone and iPad.+
-{{::o3d.png?nolink}} **[[http://code.google.com/apis/o3d/|O3D API]]an Open Source framework by Google**\\ +===== February 262016 =====
-Contributed the ArcBall codebase used for 3D navigation.+
-{{::monobook.png?nolink}} **[[http://www.dokuwiki.org/template:monobook|Monobook for DokuWiki]]**\\ +Some code updates to [[:projects:endian_template]], based on feedback from the two reddit threads ([[https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/47ebe4/endian_template_c_work_with_endian_types_in_c/|/r/programming thread]], [[https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/47e9e2/endian_template_c_work_with_endian_types_in_c/|/r/cpp thread]]), resulted in some good updates:
-I created the "Wikipedia" look and feel themeused by the majority of usersCurrently maintained by Andreas Haerter.+
-{{::backup.png?nolink}} **[[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:backup|BackupTool for DokuWiki]]**\\ +  * Renamed typedefs without ''_t'' postfix notation as this appears to be "reserved" by POSIX (thanks to reddit user "doodle77"
-Created a backup/restore tool for DokuWiki used by the majority of users.+  * Added required includes directly into ''tEndian.h'' (thanks to reddit user "louiswins"
 +  Changed endian testing method to use reinterpret_cast, as the previous was using "type punning", which in theory can have undefined behavior (thanks to reddit user "NasenSpray"
 +  Removed ::PassThru method as a small optimization 
 +===== February 23, 2016 =====
-{{::ga.png?nolink}} **[[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:googleanalytics|Google Analytics for DokuWiki]]**\\ +I've released a new project to the public, [[:projects:endian_template]].
-Created a plugin for DokuWiki that integrates seamlessly with Google Analytics.+
-{{::hostess.png?nolink}} **Hostess**\\ +This one I had come up with back in 2001, lost it due to a hard drive crash, recreated it in 2005, lost it again in a hard drive crash, recreated it in 2012, and finally released it (now) in 2016.
-A command-line tool to block malicious websites regardless of installed browser.+
-{{::arcball.png?nolink}} **[[http://nehe.gamedev.net/data/lessons/lesson.asp?lesson=48|ArcBall Rotation ControlRevisited]]**\\ +===== December 212015 =====
-Article detailing a method to use higher-dimensional mathematics for better 3D navigation.+
-{{::make.png?nolink}} **KempoMake**\\ +I've released a new project to the public, [[:projects:singleton_template]].
-A makefile-based build system with the ability to target multiple platforms.+
-{{::nascar.png?nolink}} **Nascar Thunder 2002 by Electronic Arts**\\ +I created this C++ template a little over three years ago, and have used it in countless projects since.
-Responsible for hardware-specific code for PlayStation 2 and XBOX systems.+
-{{::madden.png?nolink}} **Madden 2002 by Electronic Arts**\\ 
-Responsible for bug fixes and additional library functions. 
-{{::rockwell.png?nolink}} **Hand-held Tracking System for Rockwell Collins Commercial Avionics**\\ +===== August 25, 2015 =====
-Inventory tracking system for use on hand-held scanning devices.+
-{{::saic.gif?nolink}} **JSIMS (Joint Simulation Software) by SAIC**\\ +After six-ish years, I've decided to relaunch this siteI hope to have the [[:articles]] and [[:projects]] restored soon, and then move forward with new stuff.
-Created networking pipeline for Java / C++ interaction adhering to Government guidelines and transmission standards.+
-{{::adidas.png?nolink}} **Inventory Tracking System for Adidas America**\\ +===== Previous News Entries =====
-Integrated a receivables tracking system to optimize assembly line workflow.+
 +  * [[:news:2009]]
 +  * [[:news:2008]]
 +  * [[:news:2007]]
 +  * [[:news:2006]]
 +  * [[:news:2005]]
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