====== Monobook for Dokuwiki ======
//Please note, this project page is maintained for legacy purposes only.//
* Future development of this project by me is suspended.
* A friend, [[mailto:dokuwiki@dev.arsava.com|Andreas Haerter]], has taken over this project as of January 2010.
* You can check for latest versions on the [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/template:monobook|new project page here]].
===== License =====
* **Author:** [[mailto:tjgrant@tatewake.com|Terence J. Grant]]
* **License:** [[http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0|GNU GPL v2]]
* **Last Update:** 2008-07-30
* **Donate:** [[:donate|Your donations are appreciated!]]
It's not required, but please consider linking to [[:projects:monobook_for_dokuwiki|this page]] or the main page from your site if you like this product.
===== Download =====
Before downloading or using this product, make sure you __**understand and accept**__ the terms of the [[#license]].
After downloading, make sure to follow the [[#install_and_configure|install instructions]] or [[#upgrading|upgrading instructions]] below; trust me, they're worth reading.
This is the **last version**, compatible with **DokuWiki Release 2008-05-05**:
* Last version: [[https://github.com/tatewake/dokuwiki-template-monobook|Version 2008-07-30 on GitHub]]
===== About =====
This is the set of monobook style sheets, directly from both [[http://mediawiki.org/|Mediawiki's]] and [[http://wikipedia.org/|Wikipedia's]] style sheets, only adapted for [[http://dokuwiki.org/|DokuWiki]].
Personally I think Monobook makes DokuWiki the perfect Wiki software available by far.
There are some things you'll find in this template that you won't find in most other templates, and are inspired by Wikipedia and MediaWiki.
* **Discussions** are supported __without__ requiring an additional plugin.
* **User pages** so you can have your own home page on your wiki.
* **Cite this Article** allows students, journalists, researchers, and the like to easily reference articles on your site.
* **Permanent Link** __guarantees__ that articles you link to in emails //are as you saw them that second.//
* All non-page portions of the template can be edited just as if they were pages. How cool is that?
So with all of this, we get not only everything DokuWiki offers, but the best features of MediaWiki as well.
With that said, there's always room for improvement. If you're able to add any contributions to make Monobook for DokuWiki better, please [[mailto:tjgrant@tatewake.com|let me know]].
===== Install and Configure =====
Installation is simple, just unzip the file into the folder **lib/tpl** in your DokuWiki install, and set **monobook** as your template in the **configuration manager**.
* [[:start]]
* [[http://mysite/wiki/doku.php?do=recent|Recent Changes]]
* [[:wiki:dokuwiki|Help]]
* [[:links]]
* [[http://mysite/wiki/doku.php?do=index|Site map]]
=== Sample Site Notice Page ===
Welcome to my website!
=== Sample Copyright Page ===
Copyright 20X6, Stinkoman.
==== Notes on Toolbox ====
The same general rules apply to the **toolbox** portlet, with the exception that an alternate, more sophisticated toolbox is provided by default, although it is not an editable page.
The default toolbox contains the links below.
* **What links here** - //Calls the same function as "backlinks" in DokuWiki.//
* **Upload file** - //Opens the same window as the upload popup.//
* **Special pages** - //In wikipedia, this refers to wiki-related pages, so this serves the same function.//
* **Printable version** - //Opens the current page with the printing stylesheets.//
* **Permanent link** - //Grabs a link to the **current revision** of a page.//
* **Cite this article** - //Gives end users a method to cite pages on your website for research papers and articles.//
==== Miscellaneous ====
Some additional content that needs to be modified is in a folder called **user** within the **monobook** folder. You can edit or delete any of the files in user as you wish; they're all optional.
^File name^purpose^
|favicon.ico|Web site icon in the address bar.|
|logo.png / logo.gif / logo.jpg|User logo at top left of page.|
|Monobook.css|A file that will adds (or overrides) wikipedia/Monobook.css.|
|Common.css|A file that will adds (or overrides) wikipedia/Common.css.|
There is also an optional "lang.css" file that goes into the same folder as language translations– this is in case you need special CSS for your language.
===== Upgrading =====
In general, if you are **upgrading**, make sure you do a force-refresh when you update the monobook for your website. You can do this in FireFox and Internet Explorer by holding shift-control-alt and clicking the **refresh button**.
Also note that there will be dramatic changes somewhat often, so check [[#what_s_new|What's new]] to see what's changed between your older version and the current version.
===== What's New =====
**November 24, 2015**
* Restored page, added some notes regarding legacy
**July 30, 2008**
* Fixed an XSS vulnerability, thanks to [[mailto:Vladimir.Remetic@acxiom.com|Remetic Vladimir]] and [[mailto:andi@splitbrain.org|Andreas Gohr]] for reporting it.
This is one of those "higher priority" updates, so I suggest you update if you're able to.
If you need to do a minimal update, just take "context.php" from the new archive and replace your current context.php file with it and you'll be set.
**October 3, 2007**
* Added es language, thanks to [[mailto:fgarcia@ua.es|Fran García]].
* Minor changes to main.php
**July 20, 2007**
* Fixed footnote mouseover display (thanks to Christian.)
* Fixed search preference item
**May 23, 2007**
* Added a few new options in configuration settings, thanks to [[mailto:mister-x@derborne.de|Patrik Bornemann]].
* Better print support, thanks to [[mailto:tobiaseigen@gmail.com|Tobias Eigen]].
* Proper rtl support, thanks to [[mailto:tobiaseigen@gmail.com|Tobias Eigen]] for identifying that this wasn't being handled properly.
**March 14, 2007**
* Added support for [[http://wiki.splitbrain.org/wiki:draft|recovering draft files]], thanks to [[mailto:schoenmakers@astron.nl|Arno Schoenmakers]] for reporting this one.
* Some minor fixes for the language files, thanks to [[mailto:eg@zemaitija.net|Edmondas Girkantas]].
**March 11, 2007**
* Two new languages, zh-cn and zh-tw; thanks to [[mailto:danny@pie.com.tw|郭長祐]] for this.
**February 15, 2007**
* Style.ini updated
* Author setting now available for "Cite this Article" links.
* Updated installation instructions.
* Possibly other minor changes-- don't recall.
**January 3, 2007**
* Italian language has been added
* Wikipedia-specific stylesheets have been added for the ten primary languages of Wikipedia: en, de, fr, pl, ja, nl, it, pt, sv, and es.
* What you'll notice is better support for your native language as well as a closer "look and feel" to Wikipedia.
Tabs look a little better:
{{ :projects:projects-tabs.png }}
And the "portlets" are customized as well.
{{ :projects:projects-portlets.png |}}
I already predict folks will want a little more customizable look and feel; be assured I'll work on it for the next release.
**December 2, 2006**
* Monobook now uses the **configuration manager** to make things easier.
* **user_pref.php** and **pref.php** have been removed.
* More generalized options are available in the configuration manager.
* There was a typo in **lang.php** for each language... toobox -> toolbox
* **settings.php** is now added to **lang/en** and needs localization for each language.
* Major revamp of this page to make installation easier.
**November 18, 2006**
* Search results are now highlighted.
**November 3, 2006**
* Fix upload page...
* Fix support for new "Media manager" (grumble)
* Add pt-br language
* Update nl language
* Credit [[mailto:danilo@dtsato.com|Danilo Sato]] for br-pt
* Credit [[mailto:alien@jabber.xs4all.nl|Eric Hameleers]] for nl
Note, for some reason in IE's display of the media manager, the [+] icons are not properly aligned with the text labels on the tree. I cannot figure out how to fix this. If you find a solution, please contact me or post on the project's discussion page.
**October 22, 2006**
* Some minor changes, and...
* Translators: Please add a lang.css (even if empty) to lang folders for **new** languages.
* Polish, German, Hungarian Language updates
* Credit to Marcin Hugo Kosiniski for pl, Volker Leonhardt for de, Peter Attila for hu
**October 10, 2006**
* Problems with search fixed
* German language update.
**October 7, 2006**
Dear [[:projects:monobook_for_dokuwiki]] users, please test the following:
* Probably compatible with IE 7?
* Three new customizable css files are available:
* /user/Monobook.css
* /user/Common.css
* /lang/(langauge code here)/lang.css – for instance /lang/de/lang.css
Again please test the above features as I am not able to.
* New features as follows:
* Upload file link works again, and now uses correct namespace
* AJAX [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/search#quicksearch|Quicksearch]] is now working (and looks good)
* Recent Changes access key now works [ALT-R]
* Documentation typo fixed
* doku.php is no longer hard-coded, Monobook now uses DOKU_SCRIPT
* **Go** no longer searches, it tries the page based on an ID you put in there
* **Search** is still the default, though.
This takes care of all but two of the outstanding issues on the discussion page. The discussion page has been cleaned up as well. I trimmed it by 12 pages of mostly fixed bug reports. 8-O
**September 3, 2006**
* Moved the referrers script into its own plugin: [[:projects:referrers_for_dokuwiki]]
* Lithuanian language updated, thanks to [[mailto:eg@zemaitija.net|Edmondas Girkantas]]
**August 23, 2006**
* Removed "Display Wiki Page" from this project, it is now its own plugin, [[:projects:display_wiki_page_for_dokuwiki]].
**August 20, 2006**
* German language update (thanks to Volker Leonhardt)
* Removed google analytics code (Use [[:projects:google_analytics_for_dokuwiki]] instead.)
**August 19, 2006**
* Hungarian language support
* Swedish language support
* French language update
* English language update
* other.php no longer included in distribution (see discussion page)
**July 28, 2006**
* The printing stylesheet has been updated– might be 100% complete?
* Now uses the wikipedia arrow for external links.
* Toolbox links now use rel="nofollow" to be more search engine friendly.
* Apparently the "my talk" link was pointing to an incorrect location if you didn't use ":wiki:talk" as your default; so this is fixed.
**June 24, 2006**
* [[:projects:multitemplate_for_dokuwiki]] support
**June 23, 2006**
* There are some style changes so make sure to do a force refresh.
* All [[http://wiki.splitbrain.org/wiki:accesskeys|accesskeys]], except for R and X, should now be working.
* Some string functions were moved to string_fn.php
* A javascript bug was fixed for IE. (Thanks [[mailto:ian@durey.ca|Ian Durey]].)
* Disclosure triangles available for "Site map"/"Index" links.
* There is now a default "favorites icon" in the "user" folder.
* There are **some** default values to thwart referrer spam (fake referrers) but it needs a little more work to make it general.
* Lithuanian(???) language support thanks to [[mailto:eg@zemaitija.net|Edmondas Girkantas]]
That's it for now.
**May 19, 2006**
* Two small bugs officially fixed:
* ''