====== News - 2009 ======
===== August 30, 2009 =====
I forgot to post it earlier, but I had talked to [[http://bzed.de/|Bernd Zeimetz]] about taking over his Google Adsense for DokuWiki project since he had migrated from DokuWiki to Ikiwiki, and I have his blessing, so the project is now available here: [[:projects:google_adsense_for_dokuwiki]].
===== August 29, 2009 =====
A new section, [[:notes]], is now up. These are my specific notes related to hardware/software and workflow with regards to my work.
===== July 31, 2009 =====
Hello all, I'm currently looking for employment as a C++ / Java / PHP developer.
Please check out my resume via this link: [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/tatewake|TJG Resume]]
===== July 27, 2009 =====
Okay, glad to announce that I've managed to restore all of the older [[:papers]] and [[:projects]].
I've changed the namespace layout again to something a little simpler. So now the site is now more or less back to it's "original layout," which although isn't nearly as organized as the recent changes, makes it easier to post projects– and overall that takes precedence.
I'll be restoring other parts of the site soon, but [[:papers]] and [[:projects]] should be complete.
I've spot checked the **talk / discussion** pages, so they should be okay too.
[[mailto:tjgrant@tatewake.com|Shoot me an email]] if you see any problems.
===== June 29, 2009 =====
Hi all, please have a little patience with the updates for the next week or so. Thanks!
Also, please (strongly) consider supporting the software you download here via a [[:donate|donation]].
===== June 13, 2009 =====
I've moved the wiki back to this site, and am currently in the process of restoring some of the older pages that I took down at the beginning of the year.
If you're interested in why everything's moving back, check my blog entry here.
===== May 28, 2009 (update 2) =====
Proud to announce a new project for [[http://dokuwiki.org/|DokuWiki]], called [[:projects:citations_for_dokuwiki]].
This project aims to provide a way for others to cite your wiki articles, which makes it much easier for academics and journalists to cite your work, if necessary.
This project was taken from functionality present in my earlier work, [[:projects:monobook_for_dokuwiki]], and is (coincidentally) based on how citations are presented on [[http://wikipedia.org/|Wikipedia]].
Since it is a plugin now, it no longer relies on any particular template being present, though it does require a small modification to your template for it to be useful.
===== May 28, 2009 =====
[[:projects:display_wiki_page_for_dokuwiki]] has been updated, here’s what’s new:
* A work-around to the ACL issue has been implemented, thanks to an anonymous contributor.
Apparently **auth_aclquickcheck** can’t handle leading colons in IDs– so I feel this is still broken in DW, but at least the plugin can honor ACL properly.
===== May 26, 2009 =====
[[:projects:referrers_for_dokuwiki]] has been updated, here’s what’s new:
* Plugin is now an **action plugin** that requires no additional PHP code modification.
* Referrer spam blocking has been removed in order to simplify the code.
===== May 25, 2009 =====
[[:projects:google_analytics_for_dokuwiki]] has been updated. Here’s what’s new:
* Plugin is now an **action plugin** that requires no additional PHP code modification. Thanks to [[mailto:izmmishao5@gmail.com|Mikhail I. Izmestev]] for this fix.
===== April 6, 2009 =====
OK, I've just upgraded the wiki on this site to the 2009-02-14 (latest stable release) version of [[http://dokuwiki.org/|DokuWiki]]– yes, I'm a little late to the party on this one.
Hopefully within the next day or so I'll be doing an new release of [[:projects|my software]] for it as well.
===== March 16, 2009 =====
[[:projects:backuptool_for_dokuwiki]] has been updated, here's what's new:
* Added fr language support, thanks to [[mailto:guillaume.turri@gmail.com|Guillaume Turri]].
===== January 6, 2009 =====
Well, here's what's required for the **initial** change to happen:
* Backup this site **Done!**
* Install DW on the new site **Done!**
* Recreate the core set of pages **Done!**
* BackupTool page **Done!**
* Monobook page **Done!**
* Multitemplate page **Done!**
* Display Wiki Page page **Done!**
* Google Analytics page **Done!**
* Referrers page **Done!**
* Recreate the disucssion pages **Done!**
* BackupTool talk page **Done!**
* Monobook talk page **Done!**
* Multitemplate talk page **Done!**
* Display Wiki Page talk page **Done!**
* Google Analytics talk page **Done!**
* Referrers talk page **Done!**
* Restore the "attic" **Done!**
* Re-upload the downloadables **Done!**
* Properly configure DW and make sure everything works **Done!**
* Link the wiki from the new main site **Done!**
* Re-direct traffic from this site to that site
===== January 3, 2009 =====
Hah, well I missed my own deadline, but I'm back home now (from grocery shopping and other errands), ready to keep at it.
See more under Jan 4th's news above.
===== January 2, 2009 =====
As I've announced, there will be a major change happening. What is it?
**//(See list in January 3, 2009 post above.)//**
So given that list, you can kind of guess what I'm getting at; I'm moving the site entirely to a new domain, and instead of the wiki software being the only thing driving the site, there will be other software on the target server as well.
I'll save the specifics of why I'm doing this for a little later, however a big reason is that when I bought this domain (tatewake.com), I had much different plans for it.
At this point in time I'm completely exhausted from having to hop on airplanes and drive and clean and laundry and so forth, so I'll probably be asleep until mid-afternoon.
However I do expect that the change will be completed by 11:59pm tonight, U.S. Eastern Standard Time. (EST)
So until then, keep watching.
— [[mailto:tjgrant@tatewake.com|Terence J. Grant]] 01/02/2009 05:07